Friday, July 2, 2010


On Wednesday we drove from Hawker to Wilpena Pound. It is like a great big dish surounded by mountains. The mountains are spectacular colours and you can see the different layers in the rocks. We would post a photo but you can't at this internet place.
We did a walk that lasted about 3 hours and covered about 8km. It was fairly flat until we got into the Hills Homestead (That is not lived in anymore). It was then a steep walk up to the lookout on top of the range. The view was great but our legs were a bit tired. We slept well that night.

1 comment:

  1. Hi goose
    nothing much going on at school
    you must love it there bet you and Hannah don't wanna come back to school
    you have to show pics soon or i'm going to burst
    hope your having lots of laughs
    wish i was there
