Monday, June 28, 2010


The first day of our trip started badly. First of all it was freezing cold with thick frost on the grass and roof. We headed towards Hay and would you believe it....we run out of petrol 5km from the servo. Too far to push. Luckily dad had a 20L jerry can of fuel with us. Stayed at Renmark tonight. It is much colder and quieter than when we are here in January. We head towards the Flinders Ranges tomorrow. We will stay at Hawker or Wilpena tomorrow night, then will go for a walk at Wilpena Pound the next day. Should be exhausting.


  1. Onya Dad!!! I heard you still can't get a riverfront site though!

  2. Well, we are all very pleased that dad was prepared for such a situation. When we read your heading we all held our breath. Better luck tomorrow.

  3. My little sister Donna the Farmers Wife let me know about your big adventure today Lucy. Sounds like fun, wish we were heading off camping for a month. Will keep checking your blog for updates, we need to see lots of photos, never been to the interior of Australia. Have fun from Lisa down the coast at Tomakin.

  4. Wally, i heard that long range tanks for the teritory are on special. lol
