Monday, June 28, 2010


The first day of our trip started badly. First of all it was freezing cold with thick frost on the grass and roof. We headed towards Hay and would you believe it....we run out of petrol 5km from the servo. Too far to push. Luckily dad had a 20L jerry can of fuel with us. Stayed at Renmark tonight. It is much colder and quieter than when we are here in January. We head towards the Flinders Ranges tomorrow. We will stay at Hawker or Wilpena tomorrow night, then will go for a walk at Wilpena Pound the next day. Should be exhausting.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Packing up

We are now putting all our stuff in the caravan....but what to take and what to leave? It might be warm during the day, but it can be very cold at night. We will need clothes for both conditions. Then there is food, things to do........ We might not get to leave at this rate.
PS The picture is our car and caravan but it was taken in January!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

School work....blah!!!!

Today my teacher Mr Carey gave me my schoolwork for when I go away. There's not just the things my class will be doing but old English and maths test to keep me up to speed. There's so much of it AHHHHH!!!! Call that a holiday Humph!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Busy Weekend

Netball and football today, then Mum and Dad out to a trivia night (They won!) Tomorrow Hannah to a party, Dad and I to Church and then I am participating in a spelling competition. No packing done and mum also has lots of school work to do. Thinking we may not get away on Monday!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Big Trip

Just just over a week we hit the road and head for Central Australia. Imagine a month away from school and work!!! We can't wait. The only problem is that we still have soooooooooo much to pack and organise.