Monday, July 26, 2010


After covering a lot of the same road on the way back we went to Adelaide where my uncle, aunt and cousins live. They took us to the zoo for the day. We were lucky to see the pandas that were on loan from China. There was a female called Funi and a male called Wang Wang. They were both asleep when we arrived, but Wang Wang later woke up and strolled around his enclosure. They were VERY cute.


Trephina Gorge in the East MacDonell Ranges was one of the most picturesque places we went. Normally you start walking around the top and return along a dry creek bed. When we were there though the creek was flowing. It wasn't very deep so we could paddle....but the water was freezing.
At one stage I was walking to the bank and sunk in the sand up to my thigh. Luckily my tracksuit pants were rolled right up and stayed dry. It took a fair bit of effort to get out.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


On Monday we drove out to Standley Chasm. The road on the way out was covered in water in a few places because of all teh rain, but we could get through. Even on the walk we had to rock hop along the usually dry creek bed. The walls of the chasm are really high and dark red.

We then drove out to Hermannsburg. It"s an old settlement established by a Lutheran priest. The buildings are quite run down now but it would have been a very productive place back then.

Yesterday it poured rain and now the Todd River is flowing. It even goes over the road near the caravan park. Our plans for the day were ruined so Dad went to the transport museum while us girls went shopping.

Today we visited the School of the Air. We watched a short video about how it works. It would be easy working like that as you can get your school work done quickly if you hook in. We also went to the telegaph station and the "Old"Alice Springs.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yes it is still raining. Apparently 50mm a few days ago and there is a bit of water in the normally dry Todd River. It wiill rise further no doubt as more rain is expected in the next few days. Great.

We actually arrived here yesterday and went on to a temporary site. This morning we moved on to an ensuite one where we will be for the next 5 nights.

After moving we went for a drive into town. We had a look at a film, heard a talk and looked at the display at the Royal Flying Doctors Service. It was interesting.

Next we went up on ANZAC Hill.. We could see a bit of the city, but not much more as misty clouds are hanging over the ranges.


We drove to Kings Canyon on Friday and did the Rim Walk. The start was fairly tough with a steep hill. It then flattened out as we walked around the gorge. The ripples in the sandstone showed that this was where ancient sand dunes used to be.

Back at the station we went to a night time show that told of the history of the family and station. We learned about the use of camels and how they are mustered. The show ended with some billy tea and

Thursday, July 8, 2010


A big day today. We started with a helicopter flight around Uluru in the morning. Hannah and I were scared but when we got in and took off we loved it. The view was amazing .... it's a shame we still can't load photos. We wished it lasted longer.
After lunch we headed to the rock again. This time we got to climb.....but we were lucky to get there when we did as the walk gate closed soon after. It was very steep but the rock is actually quite rough and you grip on well. When we got to the top of the chain it continued to be difficult with lots of ridges and gullies alng the top until we reached the highest point. The view was amazing and you could see for kilometres around. We then went back down and had a well earned rest at the bottom. It was hard but well worth it. We appreciated our hot shower and comfortable bed last night.
Today we are at Kings Creek station. We stay here 2 nights. Tomorrow we will walk around the canyon.............More tired legs.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Went out to Uluru yesterday and did some walks around the base as it is not fine enough to climb again. Was quite cool and probably a good idea as we don't want to get blown off the top!!!!

Today is absolutely beautiful...clear and sunny...and supposed to reach 15 oC. We are just about to head off to the airport to do a fly over the rock in a helicopter. We are a bit nervous but it should be a fantastic experience. Will then go out to the rock to climb.....Hope our legs can make it. It is more steep than I imagined.